Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 2- Build your brand!

YOU are your brand! Not your DS company. You are selling YOU!

What is your brand? What are you selling? What are the top 3 words you would use to describe yourself in your personal life? Your top 3 personal goals? Top 3 business goals? Brainstorm key words!

Also: What is your WHY??? That can help with branding too!

As many of you know my mantra in business, and in life, is spread sunshine.

Sunshine is my brand. I thrive on positivity! Deciding who you are isn't easy. Deciding your image and personal goals is even harder.

This is something I want you to really think about!

Since I am focused on positivity, I have had to learn to keep my posts positive. I fall in to the trap of asking people to help me and forgetting my business is about my customers not me! It is about what I can do for them!

I know we tell our customers to help with fun things... like i have been challenged to do XYZ

But when we ask them to "help us meet rent" or anything like that.. we may get a few orders from helpful people but we are not building our business and not letting everyone see what the businesses we work can do for them! We are just showing them it is too hard to make it work!

I myself fall into this trap and I am spending this week and last re-branding myself and re-cloaking my heart, mind and facebook in my cloak of sunshine.

After you choose your brand that is another thing to do. Make a clean sweep. Setup 10-15 posts you can use that promote that message on days you need reminded of it yourself. (I use hoot suite, they have a free version and you can store messages and auto schedule. The auto scheduling is great for people who are busy like all of us! And it uses your page statistics to schedule the best times to post and makes sure you don't post too much in one day!)

Change you cover photos, I even changed my URLS! I am making a clean sweep of my attitude!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

14 Day building blocks- Day 1- CLEAR your time!

Time is money, so time wasted is money wasted!

How much time do you spend on facebook scrolling through page feeds? How many do you "like" just because of contests? You could BUY all that stuff you "might" win if you BUILD YOUR BUSINESS!

There is an app on facebook called unlike it. It lists all your pages/ likes on one page. Start unliking any page you aren't an admin on.... EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

Later in the program we will talk about SMARTLY re-adding pages

Do the same thing on twitter. Google plus. Go through your email inbox and schedule auto cleanups of newsletters and start unsubscribing from as many as you can. All of em. You do not need every coupon from bed bath and beyond. If you REALLY use a store all the time, go ahead and keep it. Treat it like your online closet. If you haven't shopped at the store in a year, you do not need their newsletter. You just don't. Clear your feed so all that remains is family friends and customers. Look at all the updates you can actually see now! This will come in handy later!

Go ahead and "re like" your company's page. Now it is a NEW like and you will be more likely to get updates from them! Follow and all that stuff as well!

This seems like a short post but it took me HOURS! I had 4k facebook likes to undo, 700 twitter follows and COUNTLESS email newsletters between 2 emails!

Not every day is QUITE this simple but these are simple steps that WILL boos your business if you are committed!

No get to clicking!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Introduction to my 14 day CREATION and FOUNDATION building blocks SALES BOOSTER program!

Hey team!

Over the past week I have talked to a ton of reps who have been having the WINTER BLUES with their sales numbers!! I myself have been in  a real slump, barely making above my minimums to stay active comfortably!

So I started thinking about ALL THE SALES TRAINING I have done over the years and how I spend my time, and decided I need to get back to the basics. I came up with a time frame- 2 weeks- that I wanted to use to completely rebuild my foundation!

I have learned a LOT in the year I have been with Thirty One! I have learned what works and what REALLY doesn't! When I was brand new and sticking with the basics I did SOO much better than I am now after my holiday "break".

SO! I personally am writing this series with the 14 different "days" or tasks that I set out to do over the next 14 days!  Some tasks may take you 2 days! (With a toddler and regular responsibilities, Day one took me 2 days!)

Some tasks may not work for you, or you may THINK they don't! I ENCOURAGE you to try them anyway! Give a solid effort and humor me!  Your business is worth a little extra effort and time spent TRYING something different!

Here is a brief run down of the 2 week program and where I will be focusing!

Hopefully tomorrow I can get up day 1, and a new day every single day after that for the next 2 weeks! Remember I am doing it with you and REALLY need to get back to these basics myself! SO we are going to struggle and Succeed together!

PART 1/ Week 1: Recreation!

Day 1: CLEAR your time!- We all waste a lot of time online, on facebook, on our phones. Day one we will work on completely clearing our time spent. We can always refill it with the important stuff, and we will later in the program! Day 1 I will talk about how to completely declutter your online and gadget time, without the withdrawal!

Day 2: Rebrand yourself inside and out: YOU are your brand. Not Thirty one or whatever direct sales company you work for! Consistency makes you look professional and having a clear view of who you are and why you are enthusiastic, will help you spread that enthusiasm.

Day 3: Choose your tools wisely. Set a routine and put the tools into use: I will discuss how to use the FREE and low cost online tools available to you to organize your online time and MAXIMIZE your reach. Also the media / print tools like catalogs and business cards/ samples you ALREADY have or can get free or cheap!

Day 4: Why you want customers, and not fans! What is the difference? How to nurture you relationship with customers without losing fans, and maybe convert some fans in the process!

Day 5: Network! Time to add a little bit of TARGETED info back into your day! Replacing a VERY small amount of what we cleared out on Monday! I bet you haven't even missed it!

Day 6: Doing a weeks worth of posts in ONE HOUR, saving time to start your face to face strategy! Consolidating all our tasks to make our blocks of time more efficient.

Day 7: Making your lists, checking it twice! Organizing your contacts in a system that allows for all the new ones you are gonna add! Organizing your physical work space!

Part 2/ Week 2: Building blocks!

Day 8: Goal setting! Setting manageable goals and MEETING them EVERY time with NO EXCUSES!

Day 9: Divide and conquer: Making your schedule and calender and STICKING with the plan! Making the time you spend on your business just as important as any other appointment, and leaving blocks of time for family, friends and hobbies.

Day 10: Relaunch! Challenging yourself to relaunch your investment in yourself, renewing your enthusiasm from the inside out.

Day 11:  Bookkeeping 101. Tracking expenses, income and all the things that keep you aware of the true state of your business. Tracking promotions and incentives with a "growth friendly" system.

Day 12: Targeting: sending the right messages to the right people.

Day 13: Daily routines. Weekly routines, Monthly routines. Getting into a true business mindset and truly being your own boss

Day 14: Your new public image: Bringing it all together.

I tried to incorporate all the things I want to do with MY business! I am also doing the training that our upline secured for us starting tonight! I truly believe in investing in myself so I even bought the audio CDs!

We got this ladies! So who is with me????